Feature Stories

Hughes Family Receives High Marks in Science

They say some things run in a family, like a certain hair color or favorite food. For the Hughes family, it is a passion for science. Q. Xander Hughes (11th grade), Vaughn Hughes (10th grade) and Quinn Hughes (8th grade) have all garnered an impressive amount of awards in STEM-related competitions during their time at Minnetonka Public Schools, and are on track to achieve even greater accolades.

Recently, the trio of students competed in the Twin Cities Regional Science Fair and impressed judges with their projects; Xander walked away with awards in four categories, as did Vaughn, and Quinn left with five. Even more impressive is the fact that both boys achieved high enough results to participate in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). This was Xander's 3rd time attending an ISEF and Vaughn's 1st. The ISEF is considered one of the most prestigious scientific competitions for high school students in the country and across the world.

Xander has received numerous awards in his time at MHS, including receiving top honors at the Minnesota State Science Fair and Twin Cities Regional Science Fair, was a National Junior Science and Humanities Symposia Finalist, and was a bronze medal winner at the 2020 INSPO Research & Innovation Competition Finalist (North American Competition)—earning him a $15,000 Scholarship Award to Rochester Institute of Technology.

His younger brother, Vaughn, has received first place in the State Research Competition at the Minnesota State Science Fair, was a finalist at the Twin Cities Regional Science Fair, and was a National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Oral Competition Finalist.

Their sister, Quinn, has been a finalist at the Minnesota State Science Fair, has won numerous awards at the Twin Cities Regional Science Fair, and was a Broadcom Masters National Nominee.

We look forward to seeing what the Hughes family will do next as they continue to achieve academic excellence. We wish them—and all our students competing at the Minnesota State Science Fair March 26-28—the best of luck.

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